

1611. Revista d'història de la traducció

The journal publishes research on translations in the languages that exist or existed on the Iberian Peninsula and in Latin America. As historians of translation, we are interested in recovering the “great” translations, the censored or banned works, the variations in the ways of reading texts from different periods. The journal aims to rescue and disseminate (in Spanish, Catalan and English) the extraordinary cultural memory that translation reveals.



Is one of the pioneering journals in the field of research in communication and journalism.  It was founded in 1980 and since then, it has adapted to the times until today. Priority is given to publishing all those research contributions within communication and journalism studies that represent an advance in knowledge and improvement, especially if they have received funding support. The journal has two fixed issues a year and sometimes some extra issues.


Anuario IET de Trabajo y Relaciones Laborales

The Anuario includes analyses of evolution and trends of the labour market as well as the employment policies in Spain, through a series of articles addressing the subject from a sociological, economic and legal perspective.

Contributions may intersect with social and economic issues such as working conditions, job quality, pay, gender and inequalities and are aimed at experts, academic audience and all the social agents involved.


Anuario Lope de Vega

Journal published since 1995 (electronic since 2011) by the PROLOPE research group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, founded by Alberto Blecua and currently directed by Gonzalo Pontón. It brings together scholarly articles on textual, literary or cultural issues that contribute to a better understanding of Lope de Vega, his work and his time, from both current research approaches and traditional perspectives.


Athenea Digital

The main aim of the journal is to promote dialogue and innovation in social and cultural studies and to encourage interdisciplinary reflection in the tradition of the human and social sciences. It explicitly claims an ethos that is receptive to debate and critical reflection, both theoretical and methodological, international in its outlook and scope, open, reflexive, imaginative and interdisciplinary. Athenea Digital is particularly interested in the connections and relationships that emerge between different intellectual developments, processes of change in social practices and forms, and institutional transformation in the broadest sense.


Bellaterra Journal of Teaching and Learning Language & Literature

The purpose of the journal is to publish outstanding research carried out by students (or recent graduates) of Master’s programmes or doctoral studies (and postdoctoral studies up to a maximum of five years) within the research area of Language and Literature Didactics. Empirical research (quantitative or qualitative) and state of the art (recent literature reviews) will be published, as well as commissioned articles from internationally renowned authors in these research areas, and interviews with recognised experts in these fields.


Brumal. Revista de Investigación sobre lo Fantástico

Interdisciplinary and multilingual publication aimed at researchers and specialists.
Understanding the fantastic as an always problematic confrontation between the real and the impossible in a world like ours, there are other non-mimetic genres that do not fit this definition, such as science fiction, the marvellous or fantasy.
It opens its pages to works on the fantastic in its various artistic manifestations (narrative, theatre, cinema, comics, painting, photography, video games, television and radio) in all languages and countries throughout the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.


Catalan Journal of Linguistics

The journal publishes quality research articles developing formal analyses of the structure of particular languages from the point of view of a general theory of human language. Its research fields include syntax, semantics, phonology, morphology, lexicology, pragmatics, language acquisition and diachronic variation, focusing on the study of the universal properties of language and the identification of variation patterns among natural languages.



It is a journal in Catalan by and for science teachers from all schools and institutes in Catalonia and other Catalan-speaking territories.
It is a place to share experiences, reflections and research on the teaching and learning of science at different school levels. Articles on educational practice, resources and innovative teaching experiences are published, and initiatives, good practices and research are shared and exchanged with the community.


Dante e l’Arte

The journal aims to highlight and analyze the significance of art in the study of Dante. It welcomes original and interdisciplinary proposals that tackle the presence of any artistic form in Dante’s work; as well as iterations and reception of Dante in the visual and performing arts, music, literature, and new media since late Medieval and the early modern period up to the present day. 


Derecho Animal

It is the first legal journal dedicated to interdisciplinary studies on human-animal relations and has a wide international circulation. Its basic aim is to publish and disseminate original research and rigorous technical work in animal law and related sciences (animal welfare sciences, animal-related public policy, ethics, nutrition, education, animal-assisted therapies, cultural history). Its contents cover all fields of animal law research.



It is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to publish current lines of debate in the field of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE). It opens up a space for exchange and research on the teaching of language and literature in the ELE classroom, with new readings to be shared and debated.


Documents d’Anàlisi Geogràfica

Open access academic journal aimed at scholars and professionals who study the interactions between nature, society, politics, economy and culture that occur on the territory at different scales, and to which geography provides analysis and answers. It aims to publish unpublished research from all over the world in the field of geography and related disciplines. 



International journal focused on the history of medicine, health and disease, and science, with special attention to innovative and interdisciplinary historiographical perspectives. Since its foundation in 1981, it publishes original research papers and reviews in various European Union languages, which are freely accessible online. All originals received are submitted to two anonymous reports carried out by expert peers and are referenced in recognized international research indexes and databases.



Open access scientific journal published by the Department of Applied Pedagogy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and founded in 1982. The aim of the journal is to disseminate the results of educational research in order to promote and share them among the scientific community, educational professionals and academics, as well as the public specialised in pedagogical issues.


ELCVIA. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis

International electronic journal on the theory and applications of Computer Vision and Image Analysis. It is an open access journal that publishes in a full open access format with no article publishing charges (APCs). It is hosted by the Computer Vision Centre and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. It covers the following fields: computer vision, pattern recognition, image and video processing, multimodal interaction and multimedia, document analysis, biometrics, medical image analysis and applications on all these fields.



Founded in 1981, this academic journal of philosophy focuses on the debate about rationality in all its dimensions. Acceptance of articles is by double-blind peer review. The journal also publishes bibliographical notes and reviews and invites proposals for monographic issues. The journal is published twice a year (March and October) and is open access.


Enseñanza de las Ciencias

The journal publishes papers on topics relevant to scientific and mathematical education, from early childhood education to university education: research that allows progressing in the educational bases of scientific and mathematical learning; works reporting on the impact of different teaching practices aimed to promote the learning of science and mathematics; and works related to the epistemology and the history of science and mathematics.


Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales

The journal is dedicated to research in teaching and learning geography, history, and social sciences. The objectives are to disseminate research works carried out in social sciences teaching and learning, delve into the theoretical and practical foundations of these works, and present new lines and new research topics. The scope is international, and it is directed by the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.



Founded in 1979, it is an open access journal published by the Department of Antiquity and Middle Ages Studies, in digital and printed format. It publishes research articles and notes and book reviews on Greek philology, Latin philology, Indo-European linguistics and the Western classical tradition, as well as on ancient and medieval history and archaeology. All articles are evaluated by experts using the double-blind method, in accordance with strict scientific quality criteria. The journal publishes an annual volume and considers the option of extraordinary volumes (Faventia Supplementa).



This journal is intended to publish works that contribute to enriching the knowledge of phraseology and lexicology not only of Spanish, but also of other languages. Any of these topics can be treated from a multidisciplinary perspective regarding quantitative and/or qualitative empirical studies, studies related to phraseography and lexicography, language contact and the variation of Spanish (diatopic, diastratic and/or diaphasic). The chosen topic can be treated from a synchronous and/or diachronic perspective.


Geologica Acta

An international general Earth Science journal providing an innovative and high-quality means of scientific dissemination, with researchers and specialists in the Earth science field as the main audience. We are a non-profit Diamond Open Access which has the aim to stimulate rapid diffusion of results and efficient exchange of ideas between the widespread communities of researchers in Earth Science. Since 2019, in accordance with current standards, we publish continuously in an annual volume.



Specialized in graphic design and graphic communication, it is a scientific communication instrument on graphic design. That is why articles are published from different perspectives that design can adopt. The aim is to bring design closer to the empirical field and distance it from practices based on individual experiences that do not follow scientific methodology. The study of the formal elements of graphic design and how it affects people is our interest.



It is the first journal in Spain dedicated entirely to the study of the Indian subcontinent. We have published a volume every year since 2014 and the journal can boast of having published work by prestigious scholars in the world of Indian studies. The topics dealt with include history, anthropology, environmental issues, literature, cinema, art and music. Besides the section on academic articles we also publish miscellanea, which covers memoirs and interviews.



Journal of theoretical and experimental linguistics, with Romance varieties as the object of research. It publishes articles on any linguistic phenomenon in any Romance variety. No preference is given to any specific theoretical approach, but articles should have clear implications for language theory and should not be merely descriptive in nature.



Academic journal focusing on the historical, socio-economic and cultural perspectives related to ancient Macedonia, from the Argead dynasty to the Hellenistic Macedonian kingdoms (Seleucids, Ptolemies, and Antigonids, among others) and the Roman province of Macedonia. Karanos. Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies publishes double-blind peer-reviewed papers on these topics, including historical, archaeological, philological, epigraphic or numismatic approaches, and any other kind of cultural analysis of Ancient Macedonia and its historical manifestations, such as the Hellenistic kingdoms and the relationship with other peoples and cultures, including historiography and classical reception studies.


Langue(s) et parole

This scientific journal was born in 2015 as part of a collaboration agreement between the Centre International de Phonétique Appliquée (CIPA) and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). It’s a yearly scientific journal published jointly by both institutions. It intends to disseminate unpublished research on French language and Francophone cultures as well as on the other Romance languages. In addition to its issues of varied content, thematic numbers on specific cross-curricular subjects concerned with the linguistics of language and of speech, languages in contact, literary and cultural dimensions, philology, translation theory and lexicography are published.


Locus Amoenus

Annual open access scientific journal, published since 1995 by the Department of Art and Musicology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. A double-blind peer review system is used. It publishes articles related to all fields of art history, prioritising originality, relevance and an interdisciplinary approach.



Published by the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, it contains original research papers on the Early Modern Age (15th-18th centuries). The articles are submitted to peer-review by renowned specialists and are written in Catalan, Spanish, or English. It is one of the most valued magazines on its subject in all of Spain, where, since its founding in 1985, it has been a basic way for introducing some of the most innovative European historiographic trends.


Materials Matemàtics. Electronic Journal of Mathematical Popularisation

Electronic Journal of Mathematical Popularisation published by the Department of Mathematics of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The aim of the journal is to disseminate mathematics through the electronic publication of original articles. These articles are aimed at a wide range of readers, from young people interested in mathematics to professional mathematicians.



The main aim of the journal is to publish innovative research in all areas of medieval studies. Its articles offer both new discoveries and conceptual contributions to the many fields of medieval studies. In a complementary way, it encourages collaboration between specialists and multidisciplinary, transversal work. It also provides an up-to-date review of recent bibliographical contributions in its extensive review section.


Mitologías hoy

This journal aims to promote the different lines of debate in current Latin American cultural production. The publication alternates miscellaneous issues with other monographic issues on a specific theme, a theoretical approach or a particular author. In addition, the journal offers interviews with authors, theoreticians and critics, as well as reviews of recent publications.


Nuevas de Indias

Published by the Center for Colonial American Studies, at Autonomous University of Barcelona. The journal focuses on Spanish and Ibero-American colonial history and literature, encompassing, broadly speaking, the 16th–19th centuries, with a multidisciplinary perspective. They also consider the common cultural debate in Spain, America and the new Iberian worlds, as well as the theoretical and methodological approaches to examining the colonial era in the light of cultural studies.


Papers. Revista de Sociologia

Founded in 1972, it is a scientific journal promoted by the Department of Sociology. Its main objective is to publish original empirical research and rigorous theoretical work from all fields of sociological research. In addition, it is open to exploring interdisciplinary frontiers in the social sciences, always taking sociology as its starting point.



This journal, conceived and led by students of the doctoral program of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the UAB for two decades, publishes original contributions to the knowledge of culturally diverse or difficult-to-reach human groups, preferably through ethnography and participant observation. The journal publishes in Spanish, Catalan, English, and Portuguese.


Publicacions Matemàtiques

Publicacions Matemàtiques is a non-profit research journal published by the Department of Mathematics of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona since 1976. The journal welcomes original papers and expository surveys in Mathematics. Special attention is given to the authors during the whole editorial process. Two issues, constituting a volume, are published each year. The journal has a large worldwide circulation. Free access is provided to all published papers through the web page.


Quaderns d'Italià

The journal publishes studies on Italian language and literature with particular attention to the relations between Italian and Iberian cultures in a broad sense: contrastive linguistics, comparative literature, theory of translations, study of reception, interdisciplinary studies such as connections between literature and art, music and visual arts, etc. It is addressed to academic scholars and in particular to those interested in Italian. Due to the many universities involved, the journal maintains a close connection with the different initiatives organized in the field of Italian (conferences, lectures, events for the general public.)


Quaderns de Psicologia

Quaderns de Psicologia publica treballs originals de naturalesa empírica, revisions crítiques i contribucions teòriques i assajos preferentment aquells que discuteixen plantejaments polèmics i que tinguin com objectiu ampliar la nostra comprensió d'allò psicològic.


Quaderns IEE

Biannual journal promoted by the Institute of European Studies with the support of the European Documentation Center. Its objective is to publicize the studies carried out on the European Union from a multidisciplinary perspective. Likewise, it intends to be a platform for the support and promotion of young researchers at the beginning of their academic career and emerging academics.


Quaderns. Revista de Traducció

The aim of the journal is to publish unpublished research papers in the field of translation by researchers from all over the world. Submissions are peer-reviewed anonymously. Published annually by the Faculty and Department of Translation and Interpreting of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, it is aimed at scholars and professionals in the field of translation and related disciplines.


Questiones Publicitarias

It started publishing in 1993 and specializes in advertising, public relations and communication. As one of the pioneer journals in the field in the Spanish language, it aims to be an international platform to debate the advances in advertising, public relations and persuasive communication from the scientific and academic community, for the benefit of the transfer and advancement of knowledge in the field professional and academic.



It is a journal to promote social network analysis in Spanish and Portuguese. It is linked to the International Network for Social Network Analysis and is organised around a broad academic community of Ibero-American researchers. It publishes mainly empirical articles with relational data. Over more than twenty years, the more than thirty volumes published have contributed to the expansion of the study of social structures in the social sciences.



The journal’s main objective is to become a space for reflection on the teaching of grammar in Secondary and Baccalaureate. In this sense, it not only aims to disseminate theoretical proposals that involve an update of grammar teaching, but also to provide didactic tools that can be implemented in the classroom.


Rubrica Contemporanea

It is a first level publication in the field of modern and contemporary history. Its contents cover from the end of the 18th century to the 21st, they are interdisciplinary and are related to the whole world, paying special attention to Europe and Latin America. The journal is published quarterly, and each issue contains a thematic dossier and various miscellaneous articles. The dossier proposals are discussed in the editorial board, but the submission of independent articles is free.


Scriptum digital

Open access electronic journal dedicated to the dissemination of quality research on theoretical and methodological aspects related to digital publishing and computerised diachronic corpora in Ibero-Romance languages (computerised development of textual databases, corpus design and exploitation, philological aspects of corpus design and digital publishing, corpus-based linguistic studies, etc.). The journal does not favour any particular theoretical or methodological trend.



International journal launched in 2003. Published twice-yearly, in English, by the Statistical Institute of Catalonia, the journal is co-edited by seven public Catalan universities, with the co-operation of the International Biometric Society and the Catalan Statistical Society. SORT promotes the publication of original articles of a methodological or applied nature or motivated by an applied problem in statistics, operations research, official statistics or biometrics.


Studia Aurea

The journal was founded in 2006 from the convergence of interests in various areas of philological research, mainly the history of Spanish Literature and Literary Theory, in the context of early modern European letters and the survival of the classical tradition. It accepts articles in Spanish, Catalan, English, French, and Italian, and has a multidisciplinary vocation.


Tiempo devorado

The journal publishes articles on the history of the last thirty years, preferably in the international field, but also in Spanish and Catalan. Occasionally, current historiographical innovations and methods applied to contemporary history in general will be of interest, as well as all kinds of problems and considerations related to the teaching and research of contemporary history.



It covers all the practices and knowledge related to translation and technologies. This e-journal is committed to bringing together expertise from beyond approaches which are strictly speaking technical or academic, or commercial. The journal divides into three sections. “Open Tradumàtica” contains articles on any topic related to research in translation technologies. “Tradumàtica Dossier” is monographic in nature. “Tradumàtica brief” is designed as a forum where short articles can be published immediately which offer the read preliminary results, proposed projects, methodological notes, etc.


Historical journals

CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education

The journal aims to find common ground between teaching and research professionals to encourage debate leading to the improvement of teaching practice, as well as to a better understanding of language teaching and learning processes and the role of language in the learning of curricular content.


Grafo Working Papers

Scientific journal born within the Research Group in Fundamental and Oriented Anthropology (GRAFO) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and where particularly relevant results of research, discussions and scientific debates carried out within the group are published. The journal is nourished by the research work (in progress or already completed) of researchers, whether they are members of the group or directly involved in its activities.


Links & Letters

It publishes works on various areas of English studies: linguistics, literature and the culture of the English-speaking world. It is aimed at the general public with an interest in these subjects, not just specialists. Each issue deals with a specific theme through articles, reviews and interviews with scholars.



The journal publishes articles on the teaching of classical languages and culture at all levels of education, with the aim of becoming a meeting point between secondary and university education, between the study of Latin and Greek, between the teaching of language and classical culture.



Journal edited by the Botany, Zoology and Ecology units of the Department of Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with the aim of publishing original research papers or review articles on botany, zoology and ecology and related fields (biogeography, biodiversity, evolution, morphology, cytogenetics, conservation).

Ruta Comunicación

The journal publishes academic works in the field of communication sciences, as well as works from other disciplines that deal with aspects related to communication. Priority is given to works by researchers in the process of training — doctoral or master’s students — or articles derived from doctoral theses that have not yet been read or published.



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