Intellectual property and open access

Tipografies antigues d'impremta

The Publications Service publishes and disseminates the contents generated by the academic, research and university community in general and makes knowledge available to all users. The Service promotes the publication of scientific and cultural production in open access format, in accordance with the open access policy at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona approved by the Governing Council on April 25, 2012.

The authors of published works have, regarding their work, moral rights and exploitation or economic rights protected by law. These rights extend to several areas, such as public recognition of authorship or the option to choose the type of dissemination to be made, commercial or open, depending on the type of work, and to authorize or not the reuse of the contents for the creation of new works.

For publications distributed through the commercial circuit, the Publications Service signs a publishing contract with the authors that regulates all the details of publication and commercialization. This type of contract applies only to books distributed through bookstores and commercial online platforms.

For publications that are disseminated in open access electronic format, the Publications Service offers to assign a Creative Commons license, in accordance with UAB recommendations, indicating the use that can be made of the work once published. Open dissemination applies to books that do not have commercial distribution, scientific journals and doctoral theses.

For more information on this section, please consult the UAB website on intellectual property and open access.