Foto d'stands d'una fira en un parc
The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Publications Service will soon be present at three events in the publishing sector: the 42nd Granada Book Fair, the 59th edition of the Valencia Book Fair and the 36th Bogotá International Book Fair. The first will take place from April 19 to 28, the second from April 25 to May 5 and the third from April 17 to May 2.
Autor i portada del llibre El metall i els turons
Eduard Roure Blàvia, professor and writer from Lleida, will present his novel El metall i els turons, next Thursday, April 18, at 7 pm, at the bookstore La Fatal (Vallcalent street, 65, 25006 Lérida).
Next Friday, April 12, at 7.30 pm, Antonio Loriguillo López will present his book "Anime complejo. La ambigüedad narrativa en la animación japonesa", at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València (UV).
The professors of Science Didactics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Víctor López-Simó and Digna Couso, held a seminar about their latest book "Didáctica de la física para la educación secundaria obligatoria", last Friday, April 5, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB.
Entrega del certificat
Yesterday, Thursday, the certificates of the CEA-APQ Seal of Quality in Academic Publishing for the evaluation of scientific monographs were delivered to Madrid. This is the first time that the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA), the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE) have announced the award.
coberta del llibre i imatge alumnes a classe de física
Víctor López-Simó and Digna Couso, lecturers in Science Didactics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), have just published the book, Didàctica de la física per a l’educació secundària obligatòria, as part of the "Materials" collection of the University's Publications Service.
Gabriel Izard
Cecot Comerç ha publicat a la seva pàgina web una entrevista a Gabriel Izard amb motiu de l'aparició del seu darrer llibre, «Innovación y liderazgo. El nacimiento del código de barras», editat pel Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
coberta del llibre i imatge alumnes a classe de física

Víctor López-Simó and Digna Couso, lecturers in Science Didactics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), have just published the book, Didàctica de la física per a l’educació secundària obligatòria, as part of the "Materials" collection of the University's Publications Service.

It is often thought that physics is not of direct use in everyday life, is difficult and is neither interesting nor accessible to a large part of the pupils in the 12 to 16 year-old educational stage. Some of the main questions that many teachers, education and science popularisation professionals ask themselves are, for example: what are the key ideas in physics that students need to learn during their compulsory secondary education; why is it important to learn these ideas; what makes it so difficult for students to construct them in a meaningful way; or what strategies and teaching resources can help in this task.

Didáctica de la física para la educación secundaria obligatoria is a manual that aims to guide the teaching and learning processes of this discipline, emphasising the understanding of concepts, leaving aside the memorisation of equations and procedures, and starting from the students' previous knowledge. The authors of the book focus on everyday phenomena and dialogue, and apply them to each of the four main branches of classical physics: mechanics, electromagnetism, electromagnetism, physics and physics of the universe. In this volume, López-Simó and Couso share their visions, resources and experiences, acquired throughout their professional careers.

Víctor López-Simó holds a degree in Physics (2009) and a PhD in Science Education (2014). He has worked as a physics and chemistry teacher at ESO and Bachillerato, and is currently a lecturer in the Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Experimental Sciences at the UAB, where he teaches Science Didactics to trainee teachers in primary and secondary education. Her research has focused on the conceptual understanding of physics and chemistry, as well as on the use of digital tools for science teaching, such as sensors and simulations.

Digna Couso holds a degree in Physics (1999) and a PhD in Science Education (2009). She has been the director of CRECIM (Centro de Investigación para la Educación Científica y Matemática) and is currently the principal investigator of the research group ACELEC (Aprendizaje Científico Escolar: Lenguajes, Herramientas y Contextos). She has participated and led multiple research projects on teaching and learning of science and STEM, addressing issues such as the positioning of young people towards science, the design of learning situations that promote scientific practices of enquiry and modelling or critical thinking in the science classroom.

The volume will be presented next Friday 5 April at 5pm at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB (Aula 51), in a seminar with the participation of Marta Bertran, dean of the Faculty, and the authors of the book. Didáctica de la física per a l'educació secundària obligatoria has been published by the Publications Service of the UAB in paper format for a fee and in free and open access electronic format.

portada llibre El hechizo del tren

Johari Gautier Carmona, journalist and author of the book El hechizo del tren, will give a lecture on February 21, at 7 p.m., in the Audiovisual Room of the Monastery Museum of Sant Cugat del Vallès (Pl. de l'Om, 1).

The talk, entitled "The protagonists of the first railway line in the Peninsula", will be based on his novel, which tells the story of the railroad from its beginnings in Latin America to its arrival in the Iberian Peninsula, through the experiences lived by its main promoters.

The conference is part of the Cycle of Conferences on the World of Trains, organized by the Associació d'Amics del Ferrocarril de Sant Cugat del Vallès and can also be followed live on the YouTube channel of the Federació Catalana d'Amics del Ferrocarril: youtube@canalFCAF6925.

Cartell de la conferència de Johari Gautier a Sant Cugat del Vallès, el 21 de febrer de 2024
Autor i portada del llibre El metall i els turons

Eduard Roure Blàvia, professor and writer from Lleida, will present his novel El metall i els turons, next Thursday, April 18, at 7 pm, at the bookstore La Fatal (Vallcalent street, 65, 25006 Lérida).

The event will include a reading of several fragments of the book and will be attended by Ester Graell, philologist and teacher; Mariona Roure, photographer and art historian; and the author.

The work is a modern fable, disguised as a thriller or western, and has been the winner of the XXIX Novel Prize "Valldaura-Memorial Pere Calders" of 2023, organized by the UAB and the City Council of Cerdanyola del Vallès. El metall i els turons, as Roure himself points out, is "a modern tale that revolves around the old story of the confrontation with power, in this case, provoked by the awareness for the conservation of the environment".

Eduard Roure Blàvia was born in Lérida in 1973 and teaches Catalan language and literature at the Manuel de Montsuar Secondary School in the same city. His works include: Les altes balconades (Pagès, 1999), Les Talúries prize for narrative; the short novel Lligall trobat a la Cabana (Proa, 2008), finalist for the Pere Calders prize; the novel L'última badia (Pagès, 2012), creation aid prize for the best novel project of the Narrativa Lleida Awards; and the novel La nit de les oques (Viena, 2016), Ciutat de Badalona prize for narrative. Currently, she collaborates as an article writer in the supplement Lectura del diari Segre.

Gabriel Izard

Cecot Comerç ha publicat a la seva pàgina web una entrevista a Gabriel Izard amb motiu de l'aparició del seu darrer llibre, Innovación y liderazgo. El nacimiento del código de barras, editat pel Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

A l'entrevista, l'autor reflexiona sobre innovació i lideratge col·laboratiu i lliga la història del naixement del codi de barres amb l’actualitat, la importància de l'alt impacte de la tecnologia a les empreses i com és possible posar a la pràctica el concepte win-win (tots hi guanyen).

Gabriel Izard va néixer a Sabadell el 1956, és economista i ha estat professor de Màrqueting, Gestió de la Distribució, International Business i Business in Action a la UAB durant més de trenta anys. Ha estat quinze anys membre de l’Associació Espanyola de Codificació Comercial (Aecoc), on va participar en la creació del codi de barres. Actualment és delegat comercial a Espanya de l’empresa Axicon Auto ID, que desenvolupa i produeix equips de verificació de codis de barres arreu del món. A través de la seva experiència professional, l’autor relaciona el naixement del codi de barres i la seva incidència en la digitalització, la innovació i el lideratge empresarial.

Cecot Comerç està integrada per empresaris i empresàries dels diferents gremis i associacions empresarials que conformen la patronal catalana Cecot i representa directament 4.000 empreses del sector del comerç i prop de 120.000 treballadors. Aquesta entitat és una de les fundadores de la Unió d’Entitats de Retail de Catalunya · RETAILcat.

Caràtula web de la revista Anuario Lope de Vega

La publicació de referència sobre l'obra de Lope de Vega i la literatura del Segle d'Or espanyol que edita el grup de recerca Prolope del Departament de Filologia Espanyola commemora el número 30 amb dos monogràfics i una introducció especial sobre la història de la revista.

El primer monogràfic, titulat “Prácticas editoriales y sociabilidad literaria en torno a Lope de Vega” i coordinat per Ignacio García Aguilar, professor de la Universitat de Còrdova, pretén reflexionar sobre les tensions i els vincles, més o menys clientelars i d'institucionalització literària, que van influir en l'activitat creadora del Fénix de los Ingenios. El segon està coordinat per Elena Di Pinto, professora de la Universitat Complutense de Madrid. Amb el títol de “La alquimia en un mundo inventado: mixturas literarias en tiempos de Lope”, posa de manifest l'habitual i fructífera barreja d'arts a l'època de l'escriptor, que suposava una multitud de variacions, hibridacions i jocs de contrastos. El número 30 es completa amb dos articles més sobre un paper d'actor inèdit i sobre la modernització ortogràfica de textos del Segle d'Or automatitzada gràcies a la intel·ligència artificial.

L'Anuario Lope de Vega va ser fundat l’any 1995 pel que va ser professor de la UAB Alberto Blecua (1941-2020), fou dirigit per ell mateix i Guillermo Serés, i, successivament, pels professors Victoria Pineda, Enrico Di Pastena i Guillermo Gómez Sánchez-Ferrer. Sempre ha estat vinculat al Grup de recerca Prolope i a la UAB, tot i que ha rebut suports externs, com el de l'Editorial Milenio, que el va publicar en paper fins a l’any 2011. Des d'aquella data, la publicació s'ha difós en línia mitjançant la plataforma Revistes Digitals UAB (ReDi) del Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat.

En aquest recorregut de trenta anys i trenta números, l'Anuario Lope de Vega ha aconseguit assolir un prestigi en el seu àmbit de coneixement, tant a nivell nacional com internacional, amb l'obtenció ininterrompuda dels segells de qualitat i les avaluacions positives de les institucions més exigents. Tot això ha estat possible gràcies a la col·laboració d'autors, ressenyistes, avaluadors, correctors i lectors, que, en una tasca conjunta que suma més de 700 textos publicats, ha contribuït de manera decisiva a mantenir els treballs sobre Lope de Vega i el teatre del Segle d'Or en un nivell de recerca excel·lent i convertir-los en un lloc de referència per als estudis de lletres. La seva història demostra que ha sabut adaptar-se a les noves tecnologies i donar cabuda als estudiosos més joves, que han treballat amb els més autoritzats lopistes, cosa que li ha permès mantenir la vigència de la publicació i garantir un futur prometedor.

Font: UAB (31 de gener de 2024). L'Anuario Lope de Vega celebra el 30è aniversari amb una edició especial. Sala de premsa.

Next Friday, April 12, at 7.30 pm, Antonio Loriguillo López will present his book "Anime complejo. La ambigüedad narrativa en la animación japonesa", at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València (UV).

The book was published in 2021 and is number 43 of the collection on communication and ICT, Aldea Global, co-published by the Universitat de València, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Universitat Jaume I, and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

On the occasion of the recent recognition of the volume with the mention to the "Book where Asian Film, Media and Communication Sciences" in the IBP 2023 Portuguese/Spanish Language Edition granted by the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), the author will give this conference, organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Barcelona, Tradiasia Project, Universitat de València, and with the collaboration of Casa Asia, GREGAL-UAB and InterAsia.

About the book

Portada del llibre

Recognizable to successive generations of viewers around the world for the charm of its character design and simple animation, "anime" arrives in the second decade of the new millennium as one of the ambassadors of Japanese culture, a consumer good manufactured by one of the most important mass culture production centers on the planet. 

But is it a formulaic art, devoid of narrative sophistication? This book proposes an approach to complex narrative in "anime", a key feature in its construction as a cultural identity through series such as Evangelion or films such as Ghost in the Shell. Is this narrative complexity the reaction of producers to the threat of the interactivity of videogames? Does it obey a strategy that uses narrative experimentation in the multi-screen era to focus on its multiple market niches? Or is it the definitive hybridization of previously opposed narrative modes: classicism versus art and essay? 

Through the historical poetics of narrative modes and the tools of filmic analysis of narratology, Antonio Loriguillo suggests a brief chronology of complex "anime" in which we see that its narrative obscurity is key to its establishment as another type of narration in the global commercial audiovisual.

About the author

Antonio Loriguillo-López is Associate Professor at the Universitat Jaume I (UJI) and member of the ITACA research group at the same university, as well as the GREGAL research group (UAB) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He teaches in the degrees in Audiovisual Communication and in Video Game Design and Development, as well as in the Official Master in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication at the UJI. His research interests focus on post-classical storytelling in contemporary audiovisual and Japanese commercial animation. In this regard, he is the author of the monographs Perfect Blue (Satoshi Kon, 1997): Guía para ver y analizar (Nau Llibres, 2020) and Anime complejo: la ambigüedad narrativa en la animación japonesa (Aldea Global, 2021).

You will find more information at:


Autor i la portada del llibre

Alexandre Planas Ballet is the author of the book Projeccions, which won the XVIII Poetry Prize "Miquel Martí i Pol", awarded by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the City Council of Cerdanyola del Vallès in 2023.

On the occasion of Sant Jordi's Day 2024, on Tuesday, April 23, the writer will sign copies of Projeccions, from 12 pm to 2 pm, at the Francesc Layret square in Cerdanyola del Vallès. The author will share a literary space with other authors of the city, where they will also read and recommend their works. From 4 pm in the afternoon, Planas will move to Corberà de Llobregat, his home town, to finish his book signing and give a live interview to Radio Corbera, in the Plaza del Mil·lenari.

Coinciding with the celebration of Sant Jordi, the website Lletresbà has published a review of the book, which can be consulted at the following link:

Entrega del certificat

Yesterday, Thursday, the certificates of the CEA-APQ Seal of Quality in Academic Publishing for the evaluation of scientific monographs were delivered to Madrid. This is the first time that the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA), the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Union of Spanish University Publishers (UNE) have announced the award.

Thirty-five monographs, belonging to different universities and research centres, have been accredited for their quality and transparency of information, quality of editorial policy and quality of the editorial process and scientific evaluation.

Among the accredited monographs is El Papus (1973-1987). Contrapoder informativo en la Transición española, a work by Maria Iranzo Cabrera, and included in the collection on communication and communication technologies, "Aldea Global", which is co-published by the Universitat Jaume I, the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, the Universitat de València and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).

The event was attended by Susana Quicios, director of the ANECA Teacher Evaluation Division, Imma Aguilar, director general of the FECYT, and María Isabel Cabrera, president of the UNE, who handed out the certificates.

Joan Carles Marset, director of the UAB Publications Service, was in charge of collecting the certificate for El Papus (1973-1987). Contrapoder informativo en la Transición española, on behalf of the UAB. During his speech, Marset stressed "the importance of inter-university co-publications as a way of promoting knowledge transfer, reinforcing cooperation between universities and adding synergies to make scientific publications viable that would otherwise be difficult for a single institution to undertake". Even so, the editor called for co-publishing to be valued as a factor of collaboration, which contributes to enriching the ecosystem of university publishing in our country.

Since its creation in 2017, the CEA-APQ Seal has been recognised as an indication of the quality of publications in the evaluation of research activity, a recognition carried out by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI), and in the evaluation criteria of the research merits claimed for the different figures of accreditation of teaching staff carried out by ANECA. Until 2023, the Seal was only awarded for collections. With the new call for monographs, this evaluation criterion is consolidated and enhances the importance of this certification for the authors of the works, the publishers, the evaluation system of research activity and Spanish science.

Foto d'stands d'una fira en un parc

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Publications Service will soon be present at three events in the publishing sector: the 42nd Granada Book Fair, the 59th edition of the Valencia Book Fair and the 36th Bogotá International Book Fair. The first will take place from April 19 to 28, the second from April 25 to May 5 and the third from April 17 to May 2.

The UAB publishing house will be exhibiting some of its new titles for the 2023-2024 academic year at the stand of the Spanish University Publishers Union (UNE). It will be possible to purchase titles, aimed at all audiences, such as El hechizo del tren, by Johari Gautier; Innovación y liderazgo. El nacimiento del código de barras, by Gabriel Izard; Las claves de la investigación científica, of Julio Mario Hoyos and Juan Carlos Moreno; or Legislación y derecho digital para no juristas, by Cristina Blasi i Josep Cañabate.


The professors of Science Didactics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Víctor López-Simó and Digna Couso, held a seminar about their latest book Didáctica de la física para la educación secundaria obligatoria, last Friday, April 5, at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB.

The presentation was attended by Marta Bertran, dean of the Faculty, and the authors of the book themselves. The presentation was a success, with an attendance of almost one hundred people. In fact, the presentation was initially planned to be held in the Faculty's Board Room but, thanks to the good forecasts of the registrations prior to the event, it was moved to a room with a larger capacity.

The event was open and free for the entire UAB community and the attendees, among which were students, teachers and professionals in the world of popular science, were able to enjoy a coffee break during the event. In addition, the Abacus bookstore of the UAB campus was in charge of managing the sale of copies, on site.

Didáctica de la física para la educación secundaria obligatoria has been published by the Publications Service of the UAB, within the collection "Materiales" and is already available in bookstores in paper format (for a fee) and in open access electronic format.