Tipografies antigues d'impremta

The DOI (digital object identifier) is an alphanumeric code that identifies any digital object, for example, a scientific journal article, a book chapter, a dataset, a conference paper, an audio, a video, an image...

It serves to univocally and persistently identify a digital object, so that, if its URL changes, this object continues to have the same identification and, therefore, can continue to be located on the Internet without any possibility of error.



The DOI system was standardized through the international standard ISO 26324, published in 2012. A DOI code follows the following structure:

  • a prefix identifying the publishing entity
  • a suffix following that identifies the specific digital object

To translate the DOI to an internet address (URL) just type the domain https://doi.org, then add the prefix of the publishing entity and finally the suffix of the object. Example: https://doi.org/10.2824/324042


You can consult the information about the DOI in the UAB.