Publication process

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The Publications Service commissions original works or translations from UAB or external authors, promotes the co-publication of works of common interest with other universities, scientific or cultural institutions and public or private publishers, and evaluates the publishing proposals presented to the Service, which will be published according to the academic and scientific interest of the works, their possible public impact and projection, and their economic viability. The aim of the Service is to publish quality works that contribute to promote the prestige and recognition of the UAB.


Presentation of a publishing proposal

To submit a publishing proposal, the following documents must be sent to the Publications Service:

1) Complete original of the work in text format (DOCX, ODT).

2) Explanatory memorandum of the proposal, with the following information:

Statement of authorship and originality.
Brief summary of the work with a maximum length between 500 and 1,000 characters exposing the main contributions of the book.
Brief curriculum of the author with the main biographical and academic data.
Brief explanation of the public to whom the book is addressed and possible economic contributions to the edition, sponsorship, co-publication and other data of general interest.
3) In books of a teaching nature, letter of endorsement from the director of the Department or coordinator of studies of the degrees for which the book is intended.

Provisionally, while the corresponding form is being made available for this procedure via the web, publishing proposals must be sent by e-mail to the following address:


Evaluation procedure

Once the proposal has been received, the Publications Service will initiate the following evaluation procedure:

1) The Publications Service will review the documentation and prepare a brief report on the suitability of the book to the editorial line of the Service, the possibility of inclusion in a collection and a preliminary proposal on whether or not it should be published.

2) If this preliminary report is positive, the proposal will be sent to the most appropriate collection, according to the protocol established for each one, or the possibility of publishing the book outside the collection will be evaluated.

4) The editorial committee of the collection may request reports (non-binding) on the works from experts related to the subject matter of the book to help it make a decision. These reports will be confidential and their content will not be disclosed to the authors.

5) The maximum resolution period, as long as the documentation is complete, will be of forty days (without taking into account vacation periods).

6) The decision on whether or not to accept the proposal will be communicated in writing to the interested party and, if the author of the proposal expressly requests it, the original will be eliminated from the archives and only the documentation provided will be kept.

7) If the proposal is accepted, the editor responsible for the publication will contact the author to inform him/her of the decision, specify the necessary steps (conditions, contract) and schedule the production process.