Privacy statement

Tipografies antigues d'impremta

Privacy statement

The use of the UAB website and any of the services incorporated therein requires the full acceptance of the conditions set out in the privacy policy below.

1. Collection of data and consent to process them

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), we inform you that the personal data requested in our forms or that may be provided to us through our e-mail addresses, based on your unequivocal consent, will be included in our personal data files, for which the UAB is responsible and owner. Likewise, when a person fills in any of the forms with the personal data requested and accepts the sending or sends us an electronic message with personal data, expressly authorises -and expressly consents- the UAB to process and incorporate into our files the personal data provided and all the data generated in relation to your participation or use of the different products or services offered on this website, although this is revocable and without retroactive effects, and accepts the conditions of processing expressed below.

We also inform you that all data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance with current legislation on personal data protection and that our files are legally registered in the General Register of the Catalan Data Protection Agency.

The UAB is not responsible for the treatment of personal data on the web pages that the user can access through the different links contained in our website.

This website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable to the Spanish State, to which all persons, both nationals and foreigners, who use this website are subject.

2. Purposes of the processing

The data we request are adequate, pertinent and strictly necessary for the purpose for which they are collected, sending newsletters through the e-mail address you have provided to contact us in a personalised way or acknowledging it on your next visit, they will never be used for any purpose other than that for which they have been provided, and in any case the user is not obliged to provide them to us; nevertheless, they are absolutely necessary in order to be able to carry out the services that we offer them.

Unless specifically stated otherwise, it will be considered necessary to fill in all the fields of each form, for which the user must fill in the forms with true, exact, complete and updated data. The user will be solely responsible for any damage or harm, direct or indirect, caused to the UAB or any third party as a result of filling in the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date data or with data from third parties.

Our website obtains the user's personal data through the reception of various forms and by e-mail in order to manage the subscription to our journal, or if necessary, for their participation as an author, corrector or reviewer of the same, based on their unequivocal consent.

The UAB reserves the right to decide whether or not to include the data of these people in its files.

3. Right of access, rectification and cancellation of the user's personal data

The editors of the magazine comply with the industrial standards of data privacy, specifically the provision of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR) for the "rights of data subjects" which include (a) notification of non-compliance; (b) right of access; (c) right to be forgotten; (d) data portability; and (e) privacy by design. The GDPR also allows for the recognition of the 'public interest in the availability of data', which is of particular relevance to those involved in maintaining, as fully as possible, the public record of academic publications.

The user has the right to request cancellation of the subscription, to access the information that concerns him/her compiled in the UAB files, declared in the Data Protection Register of Catalonia, to rectify it if it is erroneous, to cancel it or to oppose its processing, in the terms established by the Law, by contacting

The request for data cancellation rights by authors will not be effective in relation to their articles published on our website, on the basis of the unlimited cession of reproduction rights granted by the authors to the UAB.

We consider that, if you do not expressly cancel your personal data from our files, you are still interested in being included as long as it is appropriate for the purpose for which it was obtained and as long as the UAB considers it appropriate.

4. Security

The UAB, in response to the trust placed in us and taking into account the importance in terms of protection and confidentiality that the user's personal data require, informs that it has adopted all the necessary technical and organisational measures to safeguard the security as required by the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (GDPR), current legislation that regulates the regulation of security measures for files containing personal data.

5. Cessió de dades

We inform you that your data will be treated confidentially and will be used for the purposes indicated, and will only be communicated in the cases provided for by law and to the entities that, together with the UAB, are the promoters of the journal, indicated on the website, for the management and collaboration in the publication of the journal.

The personal metadata linked to the publication of an article (authors' names, professional affiliation, ORCID number, country) are deposited and distributed, associated with those of the article, by assigning the DOI through CrossRef.

The UAB provides the user with different recommendation options, although the sender of the message is solely responsible for this, so that the UAB is exempt from any responsibility for sending unsolicited commercial communications. In any case we do not keep the recipient's e-mail address. Likewise, it is expressly forbidden to send mass mailings by users through these options or to use them for commercial purposes.

6. Cookies

With this notice, the UAB informs users that cookies are used when they browse the different screens and pages of the website. The cookies used by the UAB are stored on the user's hard disk but cannot read the data contained on the disk or the cookie files created by other providers. The UAB uses the cookies in order to recognise the users who have registered and to be able to offer them a better and more personalised service (language desired by the user...). They are also used to obtain completely anonymous information on access data (date, hour, minute, frequency, etc.), to measure some traffic parameters on the website itself and to calculate the number of visits, so that the UAB can focus and adjust the services offered more effectively. However, users can prevent the generation of cookies using the corresponding option in their browser. In this case, the website will continue to be operative, but without the advantages of personalisation.


7. Comunicacions comercials per correu electrònic

In compliance with article 21 of the Law on information society services and e-commerce, which prohibits the sending of commercial communications by e-mail that have not been previously expressly authorised by the addressees, we inform you that the acceptance of these conditions of use and confidentiality policy implies your express authorisation to send you informative, commercial, advertising and promotional mailings by this means to the address provided. However, if you do not wish to receive our commercial communications by e-mail, you may request it in the commercial mailing you wish to receive, following the instructions included in each mailing.

8. Modification of this confidentiality policy

This confidentiality policy was established on 20/05/2018. UAB reserves the right in the future to modify its data protection policy according to its criteria or due to changes in legislation, jurisprudence or business practice. If the UAB introduces any modification, the new text will be published on this page, where the user will be informed of the data protection policy. In any case, the relationship with the user will be governed by the rules set out at the time of accessing the website and, consequently, it is compulsory to read them every time you provide us with your data through our website.

Personal data

The personal data provided on this website are:
Data | Form
Contact | Name and surnames of the person who is contacting you
Contact | E-mail address of the contact person
Books | Author's name and surname(s)
Books | Author's e-mail address
Journals | Name and surname of publisher(s)
Journals | Publisher's e-mail addresses
Paperwork | Name and address of the applicant
Paperwork | Applicant's e-mail address
Register on the server | IP of the visitor

We do not serve cookies apart from the essential functional ones for the correct functioning of the website.